Frequently asked questions
How do you order from us?
Ordering from Anelli is as simple as can be. Navigate to the ring that you desire, click on your favourite size and put it in your basket. Next up is clicking on the basket icon and finalize your order.
Is there a return & refund policy?
Returning the product is possible within 14 days as long as the product is in its original state and has no damages to it, as well as returning all of the items that were sent with the order.
How many days does the delivery take?
The delivery time of an order usually takes between 1-2 business day's.
How do I cancel my order?
Canceling your order is very simple. To do this, click on the Contact us page on the bottom of the site, fill in your name, email, phone number and the order details. Also state why you want to cancel your order and we will take care of the rest for you.